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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mastering Your Fears

Perhaps the greatest challenge you will ever face in life is the conquest of fear and the
development of courage. Fear is, and always has been, the greatest enemy of mankind. When
Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” he was saying
that the emotion of fear, rather than the realty of what we fear, is what causes us anxiety,
stress, and unhappiness. When you develop the habit of courage and unshakeable self-confidence,
a whole new world of possibilities opens up for you. Just imagine-what would you dare to dream
or be or do if you weren't afraid of anything in the whole world?

Develop the Habit of Courage

Fortunately, the habit of courage can be learned just as any other habit is learned, through
repetition. We need to constantly face and overcome our fears to build up the kind of courage
that will enable us to deal with the inevitable ups and downs of life unafraid. The starting
point in overcoming fear and developing courage is to look at the factors that predispose us
toward being afraid. The root source of most fear is childhood conditioning, usually associated
with destructive criticism. This causes us to develop two major types of fear. These are the
fear of failure, which causes us to think “I can't, I can't, I can't,” and the fear of rejection,
which causes us to think “I have to, I have to, I have to.” Our fears can paralyze us, keeping
us from taking constructive action in the direction of our dreams and goals.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Leadership And Self Esteem

The Definition of Leadership Leadership has been called "The ability to get followers." One of the deepest cravings of human nature is the need to feel important, to have a sense of meaning and purpose in life and work. Leaders are invariably those who can tap into the deeper emotions of others and get them to rise above and beyond anything they may have accomplished in the past.

Inspiring Words Lead to Victory
Winston Churchill was able to arouse and inspire an entire nation with words like these: "Let us so carry ourselves that if the British Empire should endure a thousand years, men will still say, this was their
finest hour."

Spearhead A Turnaround
Lee Iacocca stepped into Chrysler Corporation when the company was almost bankrupt. Through the
sheer force of his personality, his unshakable determination, his appeals to Congress, to Chrysler workers and to Chrysler customers on television, he spearheaded a turn-around that will go down in
the history books as one of the greatest achievements in American business.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Miracle of Self Discipline

"Accomplish More in a Month Than Most People Accomplish in a Year"
Your ability to discipline yourself "to do what you should, when you should do it, whether you
feel like it or not," is the key to becoming a great person and living a great life. When you
develop the habits of self-discipline, you will accomplish more in a month than most people
accomplish in a year.
Mind you, to achieve all your goals and become everything you are capable of becoming you must get your time under control. Psychologists generally agree that a "sense of control" is the key to feelings of happiness, confidence, power, and personal well-being. And a sense of control is only possible when you practice excellent time management skills.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Personal Excellence

I've been on every side of business you can think of.  I've been up, I've been down, I've experienced great success and also failure. But there is NOTHING that has frustrated me more in the last 30 years of business, than hearing the complaint, "This just isn't working for me." I've heard it from small business owners, entrepreneurs, AND veterans who still can't make money with all of the "shiny objects" they've bought into. They get bitter because they think that having the latest, greatest tool will suddenly make them money.
Naturally we are compelled by nature to move through life. We could not remain stationary however much we wished. Every right-thinking person wants not merely to move through life like a sound- producing, perambulating plant, but to develop – to improve – to make money and be very rich and to continue the development mentally till we pass away.
This development can occur only through the improvement of the quality of individual thought and
the ideals, actions and conditions that arise as a consequence. Hence a study of the creative processes of thought and how to apply them is of supreme importance to each one of us. This knowledge is the means whereby the evolution of human life on earth may be hastened and uplifted in the process.
Personal excellence is perhaps the most important of all invisible and intangible assets that you can acquire. Achieving personal excellence in your business or industry requires lifelong dedication. But once you get into the top 10 percent of your field, you will be one of the highest paid people in the country. You will enjoy the respect and esteem of the people around you. You will be able to live your life the way you want to live it. You will enjoy high levels of self-esteem, self-respect, and personal pride.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

What the happiest and most successful people do on the weekend

... and make the most of it with these tips.
... and make the most of it with these tips. Source: ThinkStock
BETWEEN cleaning that new fungus off your shower floor and having marathon binges of your favourite TV show, the weekend seems to fly by, right?
But if you want to live more like the happiest and most successful people, you should stop squandering those brilliant two days at the end of the week.
Time management expert Laura Vanderkam explains how to make the most of this sacred time off from your harried work week in her book What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend.
Here are some of her tips, from Business Insider .
1. Make appointments with yourself (even if it's only to read a book)
Don't waste time wondering what to do, Vanderkam w...

Friday, January 10, 2014

Bungling smugglers accidentally send cocaine worth £5m to Aldi

Bungling smugglers accidentally send drugs worth £5m to Aldi
The drugs were found in banana boxes (Picture; EPA)
Police have found 140kg of cocaine hidden in banana boxes which were accidentally sent to Aldi supermarkets by smugglers.
The drugs, said to be worth around 6million euros (£5million), were sent to five branches of the supermarket in Berlin.
A police spokesman said the mix-up was probably a ‘logistical error’ by the smugglers

'It was hilarious' Fresh food store workers find potato shaped like a pair of breasts

THE people who stumbled across this hilarious shaped potato described it as the "breast vegetable" they have seen in a long time.

Food store workers were left in hysterics after finding this potato shaped like a pair of breasts Food store workers were left in hysterics after finding this potato shaped like a pair of breasts [RAYMONDS PRESS]
Workers at a fresh food store were left in hysterics after finding this potato shaped like a pair of breasts.

The buxom vegetable was found by workers at Farndon Fields Farm Shop in Leicster who burst into laughter upon seeing the comedy spud.

The store said they are keeping the comical potato in a dark drawer as they do not know what to do with it.
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